Using Portal as a campaign queue can help you organize all of the upcoming and in progress campaigns you’re working on with Persado in a centralized location - so you don’t have to toggle between different trackers. Let’s review how to:
Queue up draft campaigns
Monitor active campaigns that need your attention
Use Portal filters to find exactly what you need.
Queuing up Draft Campaigns
If you have a campaign in your pipeline that you’d like to work with Persado, you can log it as draft. This is a great way to alert the Persado team to what’s coming up next and stay aligned with your internal team.
You can add campaigns as drafts whenever you’d like by clicking “New Experiment,” filling out as many fields as you can, and selecting “Save as Draft” at the bottom of the page. There is no limit to the number of draft campaigns that can be added.
Once you’re done, reference your “Drafts” section any time to take a look at your queue.
Activating a Draft Campaign
Ready for Persado to start work on that campaign? Simply click on its title, make sure all required fields are filled out, and click “Submit.” This will trigger Persado to get to work on generating your Variants.
Pro Tip: Make sure to double check any date fields in your request form before clicking “Submit,” to confirm that your deployment and kickoff dates are still accurate.
Managing Campaigns
We recommend considering the following methods for filtering and organizing all of your campaigns in Portal.
Filters and Saved Views
Your campaign list is conveniently sorted into an inbox-style layout in Portal. There are a few ways to navigate all of your drafted and active campaigns, so you can pick what works best for your team.
1. You can easily click the sidebar to view all Experiments, Experiments pending approval, drafted Experiments, and more. These sections are standard within Portal and are always available!
2. Within any section, you can apply additional filters to drill down further. For example, you might want to only review campaigns in a particular channel, like email. Check off the boxes of whatever filters you need and they’ll automatically apply.
3. You can also use the ‘Group by’ feature to collapse your campaigns into groups by criteria such as channel, Experiment, campaign, segments and more. The campaigns will appear within these collapsed groups from most to least recently published, so you can easily access the latest content. If there are no published Variants yet for an Experiment, the submission date and time will be used for sorting
4. Don’t forget to leverage the Teams filter to view campaigns that are pending approval by a particular team. Click "More" on your Experiment list filters and then select "Teams." When you click the checkbox next to a team, your list narrows to the Experiments that team is involved in. You can then further filter to view Experiments pending approval, so you can easily see which teams have yet to approve certain Variants.
5. Is Portal missing a view you’d like? We highly recommend using the “Save As” feature to give a custom name to your view. Once you save, it will appear below your drafts section for perpetual use!
Last but not least - if any additional columns would help you sort your campaigns or track progress, reach out to your Persado representative for assistance. They can customize your Experiment list behind the scenes so you can store all pertinent information in Portal, like priority level or product line.