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2b. Using the Revisions Features in Portal

Save time by editing Variants directly in Portal.

Written by Amy Blakemore
Updated over 6 months ago

When you request a revision, the Persado experts get to work right away on incorporating your suggestions and updating Variants for your review. But did you know that you’re able to make revisions on your own for Predictive Content? We recommend checking the following areas first so your team can move with maximum efficiency:

  1. Hover over your Variants and look for the pencil icon. Click on the pencil to view AI-generated alternatives that you can switch to with a single click.

  2. The pencil icon may also allow you to make manual edits to the Variant text. Click on the text within the textbox of the Variant to see if you can revise the phrase directly to update capitalization, punctuation, and more without having to request a revision.

    1. Note: Make sure to press the “Enter” key to save your revisions.

  3. Still can’t make edits you are hoping for? Click “Request Revision” and let the Persado team know what you need, and we’ll get to work.

    1. Note: while you may collaborate with teammates using the comment feature, the revision feature is what officially notifies the Persado team that you need changes - so don’t let your edits get buried in comments!

Check out this short video below walking you through these options! ⬇️

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