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1. Request Predictive Content or Experiments

Learn about a feature you'll be using frequently in Portal: requesting new campaigns.

Written by Amy Blakemore
Updated over 6 months ago

This step-by-step guide teaches you how to request content, such as Experiments and Predictive Content, in Persado Portal. The submission process takes approximately 5 minutes and notifies the Persado team to begin creating Variants for your approval.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Prep for Your Request

Before jumping into Portal to request content, it’s beneficial to have the following information ready to go:

  • The control message/creative

  • Your desired channel

  • Send cadence and audience size

  • Key KPIs and expected metrics

  • Target deployment date.

2. Log in to Portal

Log in to Portal. You will automatically land on the home page, which shows all Experiments and Predictive Content and their current stages. If you haven’t started any Experiments or Predictive Content yet, the page will be blank.

3. Load New Content Request Form

Click the blue ‘New Content’ button in the upper right corner to start a new request.

4. Complete Initial Form Fields

When the form loads, select the channel and type of Experiment you’d like to run. Note that the types of Experiments that display as options depend on your agreement.

Click on the dropdown button to show your options for channels and select where you intend to deploy your content. From there, select the type of campaign you want to employ.

If your priority is speed to market, you’ll most likely be requesting Predictive Content. Predictive Content is powered by machine learning, where our AI picks concepts and phrases predicted to drive impact and typically generates 4 Variants. This approach is ideal for campaigns that require rapid time-to-market.

If your priority is gaining insights, you’ll likely request Full Experiments. Experiments include both Exploration ('learning') and Broadcast ('earning') phases and maximize the insights you gain on your audience. For more information on Experiments vs. Predictive Content, refer to our comparison table in this article.

Depending on your agreement, you may also have the option to select the below campaign types.

  • Exploration Only - Exploration is the first phase of testing in a Persado Experiment, when a variety of messages are sent to gain insights about their effectiveness for a given audience and context. Exploration is sometimes referred to as the ‘learning’ phase. An Exploration Only Experiment contains only this first phase for each channel.

  • One-Step Experiment - One-Step Experiments include both phases: Exploration and Broadcast, at once, in a single deployment. This type of Experiment is best for high-cadence, high-volume campaigns with audiences and campaign types that have achieved sufficient machine-learning.

If you’re ever unsure which approach to take, reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

Once you’ve made your selections, click the ‘Next’ button to fill out the remainder of the form.

5. Complete Remaining Form Fields

Your Persado Customer Success team customizes your form so you only have to populate a small number of fields to get started! Your form will be unique to your needs, so don’t worry if you don’t see every field discussed here - the Persado team will make sure the form is configured appropriately.

Required Fields

Let’s review the most commonly required fields in the form. Required fields are always marked with an asterisk*. The required fields that appear will depend on the Experiment type and Enterprise level, and may differ.

Experiment Name*

Select a name for your Experiment or Predictive Content. No need to get too creative here - if your team has standard naming conventions, like a brief title plus a date, that’s an ideal name.


Select the campaign your Experiment or Predictive Content belongs to. Think of campaigns as ‘buckets’ that can house multiple types of tests. Nothing seems to be a match? No problem - create a new campaign for the series to reside in.


Your control message is arguably the most important part of your request. The Persado team uses this control to create Variants of your message so we can test different elements of its composition, like if $ off or % off is more effective, and to see which emotions resonate with your audience. With your control, we can measure the true impact of our optimized content. Controls can be uploaded in multiple file formats, such as JPG, PNG, or HTML.

Deploy Date and Time*

Input the date when you need to deploy the content and start learning what content is the most impactful for your audience. Once you submit, the Persado team uses this information to consult on an implementation timeline.

Optional Fields

While the optional fields in the form are not required, populating them is an excellent way to give the Persado team more insight into your goals. Let’s review some common optional fields.

Audience Size

Enter your projected audience size in a numerical value format. This allows us to fully scope the right design for your campaign and ensure we can reach statistical significance.


If relevant to your campaign, select the audience segment you wish to target from the dropdown menu. Note that you can choose more than one segment to target an even more specific population.

Engagement Metrics

Enter your engagement metric in a quantifiable format. For example, you may be targeting an email open rate of 25%. Persado uses these metrics to understand how many binary actions (e.g., clicks, conversions) this campaign will see in-market and whether we can reach statistical significance.

Primary KPI

Enter the primary metric you’ll be using to measure the success of the campaign, along with any expected lift. For example, you may be interested in measuring orders, web banner clicks, site visits, or email opens. Your primary KPI may be the same as your engagement or conversion metric.

6. Save or Submit Your Request

Once you’ve completed all the required fields, and as many optional fields as desired, you have the option to either ‘Save as Draft’ or ‘Submit.’

Click ‘Save as Draft’ if you need to obtain more information or consult further with your internal team. You can return to your drafts by visiting the ‘Drafts’ page, under the ‘Content’ tab.

If you’ve filled out the form and are ready for the Persado team to get working, click the ‘Submit’ option for it to hop into our queue. Note that once you submit your request, you won’t be able to edit it, but you can add comments.

7. Congratulations! You’ve Submitted Your Request

After your Persado team reviews your submitted materials, we’ll get started on generating Variants. Once the Variants are ready for your approval, the Experiment or Predictive Content’s status will change to ‘Pending Approval’ in the ‘Experiments’ tab.

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