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2. Review and Approve Variants

Learn the ins and outs of reviewing and approving Variants in Portal.

Written by Amy Blakemore
Updated over 6 months ago

A Variant is a marketing message designed to outperform your control message that Persado generates using its AI algorithm and proprietary marketing language database. Variants are at the heart of each of your campaigns: they’re the messages we test and analyze in market to identify champions to broadcast to your customers.

A key part of the Variant creation process is engaging you and your team to review and approve Variants in Persado Portal. This step-by-step guide will teach you how to review your Variants, make revisions, and approve your Variants so they can be deployed to your audience.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Log in to Portal

Log in to Portal. You automatically land on the home page and can see all your Experiments and Predictive Content.

2. Check the Stage of Your Experiment/Predictive Content

You can easily view the stage your Experiment or Predictive campaign is in by checking the ‘Stage’ column on the home page.

Some key stages you may see include:

  • Submitted: Your campaign request has been submitted and Variants are in the process of being created.

  • Pending Approval: A new set of Variants is available and needs to be reviewed.

  • In Revision: A new set of Variants is on the way.

  • Ready for Deployment: Variants have been approved and are ready to be deployed.

  • Deployed: Variants have been deployed to your audience.

  • Reports Available: Results from deployed Variants are available; you can now see how the Variants performed and their KPIs compared to your submitted control.

You can click on the name of any Experiment or Predictive Content to view all of the Variants created and/or approved for it, depending on the stage they’re in. If your Variants have not yet been created, you will only see the New Content Request Form with the information you filled out for this campaign.

Did You Know?

You can easily filter your campaigns by stage by selecting the ‘Filter’ icon. You can select as many stages as you want.

3. Review Your Variants

Once your Variants are ready, you’ll receive an email notification that it's time to review! You can access the Variants directly from the email; or, in the 'Content tab' in Portal, you can click on the associated Experiment or Predictive Content. You’ll then see each Variant broken down by its tags.

Hover Over Variants to View Their Components

As you review your Variants, you’ll notice different parts of your messages are underlined and color-coded. This is because Persado breaks up your messages into key elements that we test in our Experiments: your narrative, emotions used, descriptive element, functional (CTA) element, formatting, and positioning.

When you hover over a part of the subject line’s text, for example, you can see the emotional tag used, such as ‘curiosity.’

Review Alternative Values in Predictive Content

When reviewing a Variant for Predictive Content, you may be able to select a different option to the highlighted element. First, hover over the element you’d like to change until the ‘Comment’ and ‘Paraphrasing’ icons appear. Please note the Paraphrasing feature is only available for Predictive Content, not Experiments.

Click the ‘Paraphrasing’ icon on the right. A list of options will display (if available) showing the original phrase as well as recommended alternatives. If you want to see more options, click ‘See AI-Generated Alternatives’ to create more possible variations. Click the option you want to go with; the Variant automatically updates and saves.

Make Manual Edits to Predictive Content

The pencil icon may also allow you to make manual edits to the Variant text. Click on the text within the textbox of the Variant to see if you can revise the phrase directly to update capitalization, punctuation, and more without having to request a revision (only available in Predictive Content, not Experiments).

Important: Don’t forget to press the “Enter” key to save your revisions.

Download Variants to Share with Your Team

If you need to share Variants with your internal team members who may not have access to Portal, you can download the Variants in Excel format by clicking the ‘Download’ icon, then ‘Messages as Excel.’

4. Give Feedback and Make Revisions

If you’re happy with the Variants as they appear, simply click ‘Approve Variants’ at the top of the page.

If the kind of change you want to make to the Variant can’t be done with the Paraphrasing tool or manual edits, click “Request Revision” and let the Persado team know what you need, and we’ll get to work.

While you may collaborate with teammates using the comment feature, the revision feature is what officially notifies the Persado team that you need changes - so don’t let your edits get buried in comments! Not sure what kind of feedback is appropriate? Refer to this quick guide on best practices for Variant revisions.

Before requesting a revision, it's important to review all requested revisions and comments in the revision summary. You can easily reference all comments to Variants (sorted by Variant version) in the remarks panel to make sure all of your team's feedback is captured.

When you're ready, click ‘Submit Revision’ to log your feedback. This will send your comments to the Persado team, where they’ll get started on updates.

Don't Forget

If you’re conducting a Full Experiment, you’ll notice repeated phrases and/or elements across your Variants, due to our experimental design. Consequently, an edit you request in one Variant will be made across all the Variants that contain the edited element as well. If you’re working with Predictive Content, this does not apply to you.

Ways to Comment

If you’re collaborating with teammates to discuss Variants prior to formally requesting a revision, there are three places you can comment:

  • On a specific element (by hovering over the element and selecting the ‘Comment’ icon)

  • The Variant itself (by hovering over the Variant and selecting the ‘Comment’ icon that appears on the right)

  • In the general comment box (by clicking the sidebar arrow on the right).


How should I use the general comment box?

We recommend using the comment box for general questions you’d like to ask your Persado team. You can tag individuals who you want to respond to the comment or collaborate with by typing the ‘@’ symbol followed by a name. For element-specific revisions in Predictive Content, we recommend using the Paraphrasing feature when possible.

What if I need to make another revision after I submit?

If you think of something else that needs to change after your Variants have already been approved, simply leave comments as above and click ‘Submit Revision.’

How do I review past Variants?

If you ever need to review past versions of your Variants, you can select the date/version from a dropdown menu near the top of the page. If there are no previous versions, the date of the current version displays instead of a dropdown menu.

To what extent will manual editing impact campaign performance?

Generally, we recommend you only use the manual editing function to make minor edits (e.g., capitalization, grammar tweaks, etc.), since changing any Variant completely will impact performance. You and the account team will continue agreeing on the final language used for an Experiment or Predictive Content, but with manual editing, some of the back-and-forth is reduced.

5. Approve Variants

Persado incorporates feedback to the Variants based on your agreed-upon SLAs. Once your feedback has been incorporated and all members of your team approve, click the blue ‘Approve Variants’ button at the top right of the page.

These approved Variants are considered final. If any changes are needed before deployment, please contact your Persado team so they can update the Variants and ensure a valid test.

6. Congratulations!

The Persado team will now assist in deploying your Variants. Your next major checkpoint will be reviewing the results of your Variants.

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