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Common Reporting KPIs

Understand common KPIs and their definitions.

Persado 1st Level Support avatar
Written by Persado 1st Level Support
Updated over 6 months ago

As you complete campaigns, your performance and insights will be packaged into a variety of reports in Persado Portal. These reports provide insight into which Variants performed the best with your audience and how each message performed against your key performance indicators (KPIs).

This article defines some KPIs that frequently appear in these reports so our data is fully transparent.

KPIs and Definitions

While the metrics we focus on may vary between campaigns, the following KPIs are typically mainstays. If you’re using third party platforms that may have their own nomenclature for metrics, be sure to identify any differences to discuss with your Persado Account Team in your next huddle.

KPI Type


Total Impressions

The number of times a message appeared to customers, such as rendering on their screen or appearing in their mailbox. Impressions are not action-based and are defined by a customer potentially seeing the advertisement. Impressions are considered unique, so repeated opens/clicks by the same customer don’t impact this analysis.

Total Responses

The number of times customers responded to our messaging in a given channel (e.g., opens, clicks, conversions).

Avg Response Rate

A percentage calculated as: number of responses ÷ the number of impressions. Response rates are created both for the messages that Persado creates, and for the control message you provide.

Best Lift

The percentage difference between the control response rate and the Persado message response rate. This indicates the best performing Persado Variant lift percentage versus the control.


The difference in performance between the best and worst performing Variants. High elasticity means that there’s a big difference between the losing and winning message. The higher the elasticity, the more likely it is that we’ll drive incremental performance with small variations in language changes. Elasticity comes up most often in Experiments with an Exploration phase because that's the phase where there is the biggest difference between elasticity and lift.

More Click

The additional number of times that customers responded (i.e., clicked a link, or placed an order) to Persado content, compared to the control content.

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