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Written by Portal Support
Updated over 5 months ago


AI Paraphrasing

AI paraphrasing models generate a curated list of language recommendations in real time. AI paraphrasing appears as an option for Predictive Content campaigns in Portal so you are equipped to revise Variants on your own without requesting a formal revision from the Persado team.



An experimental design principle that instructs that each element of a Variant must show up in the same number of Variants as each of its alternative elements. If we have 4 possible offer descriptions, for example, each offer description needs to appear in a quarter of the Variants. Why is this important? We need to be able to evenly compare the impact of each element, so they must appear the same number of times. Balance is why you will see intentionally repeated elements across your Variants when we employ experimental design.

Business as Usual (BAU)

The way you conduct a campaign without Persado’ involvement. We often ask for the control message you would use “BAU” to begin creating Variants for your campaigns.

Best Observed (BO) Message

The message that is actually observed to perform the best in the Exploration phase of an Experiment.

Best Predicted (BP) Message

The message or the messages that Persado’s statistical model predicts will perform the best in the Broadcast phase of an Experiment. This message is a combination of all of the winning message elements tested and is only possible through our experimental design and AI.

Brand Alignment Score

Brand Alignment scores are a 1 to 5 scale rating of how well a Variant aligns with the model’s understanding of your brand. This score appears alongside your Essential Motivation content so you can consider how well that message aligns with your brand voice. Learn all about them here.

Brand Content Strategy (BCS)

A Persado team. BCS houses your dedicated content and platform experts. They’ll use the Persado knowledgebase to curate and customize on-brand content and aggregate your learnings and feedback into the platform to expand your custom language database.

Broadcast Phase

The “earning” phase of the Full Experiment that follows the “learning” (Exploration) phase. In this phase, Persado helps your team deploy 1 to 3 Variants alongside the original control message to the remainder of your audience in order to maximize performance, similar to how you would deploy the winning message after the completion of an A/B test.



A series of sends that share a specific theme or marketing objective. For example, you may have a Black Friday campaign to entice customers to take advantage of certain sales, or a campaign centered around advertising a new product line. At Persado, campaigns can be conducted in one channel or across multiple channels to achieve their goals, and they can consist of a variety of Experiment types (Full Experiments, Predictive Content, etc.).

Campaign Delivery Management (CDM)

A Persado team. The CDM helps process campaign requests. They’ll coordinate all internal resources to ensure on-time and on-budget campaign delivery, coordinate Variant and asset delivery, and load reporting data into Portal for your viewing.


The respective venue where you aim to deploy your control (e.g., email, web, SMS, social, call center, and more).


The creative you would use business as usual (BAU) without Persado's involvement.


The number of times a consumer completes a predetermined, desired action. Depending on the campaign, conversions could mean purchases, sign-ups, leads generated, or more. Conversion rates are generally the holy grail of email metrics because they are the ultimate objective of most promotional and eCommerce emails.

Customer Success (CS)

A Persado team. Once your partnership kicks off, your CS representative will become your day-to-day contact. They’ll facilitate discussions around campaign selection, insights/learnings, and next steps; manage Persado Portal administration; and provide expertise to ensure you unlock the most value from our partnership.


Data Science (DS)

A Persado team. DS provides statistical support, explains our testing and methodology, and assists with results and reporting - especially for non-standard campaigns.

Decay Monitoring

For campaigns that go into the Broadcast phase, it becomes increasingly important to monitor the performance of the winning Persado Variant as it continues to be used over time. With decay monitoring, we monitor whether there is a decrease in lift rates over time because we care about whether our language continues to outperform the control.


The release of Persado Variants to your desired audience, in the desired channel. Depending on your arrangement, we may assist you with integrations in this phase.



The percentage change between the best and worst performing Variants. It does not matter whether the best and worst Variants are the control or Persado's; we simply want to know how wide a difference there is between the top performer and the bottom performer. We showcase this metric in Persado Portal.

Estimated Control

The estimated performance of a control message that our Data Science team calculates in the absence of a control message in market. Typically, we calculate this performance by using a certain lift and working backwards to calculate the control response rates. For example, if there was a 15% lift in Exploration, but no control in Broadcast, we would estimate the Broadcast control's performance by calculating what numbers would lead to a 15% lift in Broadcast.


An umbrella term for Persado tests that employ experimental design in their construction. Experiments allow us to pinpoint the exact words and elements that drove lift, which provides insights we can draw on in future campaigns. Depending on your agreement, you may conduct Full Experiments in addition to Predictive Content to gain deeper insight into what works with your specific audience. You may also use Essential Motivation (self-service content), or One-step Experiments or Exploration Only Experiments depending on your needs.

Experimental Design

A statistical methodology that allows the testing of multiple factors at the same time. Persado employs experimental design in a unique way by applying it to language. In the context of your marketing campaign, experimental design allows us to tag different elements of your message, test out different versions of those elements that are representative of a much broader population of possibilities, and identify which ones will be most successful in market. Experimental design allows us to build a statistical model that can predict the response rate of any possible combination of elements.

Exploration Only Experiment

A type of Persado test where several Persado Variants are put in market to unlock deep insights on the emotions, product descriptions, and narratives that motivate customers. An “Exploration” is the first phase of testing in a Persado Experiment, when a variety of messages are sent to gain insights about their effectiveness for a given audience and context. An Exploration Only Experiment contains only this first phase for each channel.

Exploration Phase

The “learning” phase of the Full Experiment that precedes the “earning” (Broadcast) phase. In this phase, Persado helps your team deploy the Variants plus your control to a test audience, allowing Persado’s platform to “explore” and discover what works and what doesn’t. The purpose of this phase is to test a wide variety of values to determine which are most effective for a given audience and context.


Full Experiment

A type of Persado test that employs a experimental design in a two-phased approach to maximize insights and performance. In the “learning” phase (Exploration), Persado's AI learns on a subset of the audience. Then, in the “earning” phase (Broadcast), the best content is used in market to maximize performance. Typically, we test 16 Variants plus your control when conducting the Exploration phase of a Full Experiment, and then deploy 1 to 4 Variants in the Broadcast phase to identify a final winner.


Incremental Revenue

The additional revenue generated due to Persado’s optimized messages, calculated as: (Persado revenue per impression - control revenue per impression) x total Persado impressions.


Connections between systems and applications that work together as a whole to share information and data. We use integrations at Persado in the deployment phase as desired, so you can export and set up each Variant instantly through an integration or a single embed code to 3rd party systems.



The percentage change between the Persado message response rate and the control response rate. We calculate lift as: Persado Response Rate - Control Response Rate/Control Response Rate.


Machine Learning (ML)

A set of algorithms that are used by a computer to automatically identify relationships in large sets of data, learn from and make predictions on data, and adjust program actions accordingly. The more data that is included, the more accurate the prediction.


Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Algorithms that help a machine process language or text that is written or spoken by humans.


Onboarding Manager

A Persado team member. As you join Persado, an Onboarding Manager will be assigned to assist you with your initial campaigns. This individual will work closely with CS to assist with all administrative set up and answer any Persado 101 questions you may have.

One-step Experiment (OSE)

A type of Persado test that takes a single-phase approach to combine both learning (Exploration) and earning (Broadcast) in a single deployment to gain insights and maximize earnings simultaneously. This type of Experiment is best for high-cadence, high-volume campaigns with audiences and campaign types that have achieved sufficient machine-learning.

Opens Rate

A marketing metric calculated by counting a consumer's viewing of a message (e.g., opening an email, as opposed to simply reading the headline in one's inbox). While an email open on its own doesn’t generate any revenue, it’s important to monitor this metric because it’s the first step towards any kind of conversion goal. Open Rate is calculated as: (# of Unique Opens) / (Total Delivered) x 100.


An experimental design principle which states that no one factor being tested can be correlated with any other factor being tested. For example, if we are testing the exclamation point (!) and the phrase "Limited Time Only," they can appear together in only one Variant. If they appear on more than one Variant, the test will fail because it is not orthogonal. Why is this important? We need to be sure that the results we find are specific to each element of the message, as opposed to how one element + another element work together. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to isolate their impact.



The probability that your results were caused by what you were testing, and not by random chance. To reach statistical significance of 95%, the p-value must be lower than 0.05.

Performance Prediction Score

Performance Prediction Scores are included alongside your Essential Motivation content to help you assess potential performance in market, and ultimately help you decide what to deploy to your audience. Learn all about them here.

Persado Academy

A self-paced, educational resource available to Persado customers interested in the future of marketing technologies. Persado Academy offers free self-service courses, exercises, written materials, and more to support different kinds of learners.

Persado Portal

Persado's centralized, online platform, where you can request campaigns, review and approve Variants, and view all associated reporting and insights for your brand.

Personalized Content

Uses generative AI to create Variants that are predicted to resonate with each individual based on who they are and their latest interactions with your brand.

Predictive Content

A type of Persado test. Predictive Content prioritizes time-to-market, leveraging proprietary NLP algorithms to generate 1 to 4 Variants predicted to drive impact. This approach enables marketers to take advantage of all Persado has learned about its high-performing language while deploying content in a fast and easy manner.


Response Data

The relevant campaign metrics you’d like to track, such as impressions, opens, clicks, and conversions. Response data is a critical element for Persado’s AI to learn and provide relevant messaging that resonates with consumers. Our algorithms take in response data to inform and help predict future performance on the messages we generate.

Request Revision

“Request Revision” is the feature you’ll use in Portal to formally request that the Persado team make changes to your Variants. You’ll see this in a blue box above your Variants when they are pending your approval.

For more information on reviewing and approving Variants, we recommend checking out this article.


Strategic Account Manager (SAM)

A Persado team member. The SAM is involved up front to help you understand what Persado does and discuss how we will collaborate on your business goals and objectives. SAMs perform the following activities:

  • Jumpstarts your Persado journey, helping you understand our unique value proposition and how we can help you achieve your business goals and drive a healthy return on investment

  • Helps you uncover the right avenues to drive maximum impact

  • Supports commercial agreements

  • Introduces you to the CS team.


The particular audience group you can filter information on in Portal (e.g., age, gender, geography).

Simpson’s Paradox

A well-known paradox in statistics when aggregate data doesn't make sense when you combine variables across groups of different sizes in the data set. At Persado, this paradox comes into play when we aggregate performance data of multiple campaigns and see counterintuitive results, such as revenue loss even though the incremental revenue of each individual campaign was positive. Our Data Science team applies a correction for this behind the scenes by using a weighting methodology.

Solutions Consultant (SC)

A Persado team member. The SC is involved in the early stages of our relationship to make sure Persado is a good fit. They’ll continue to help with new capabilities and technology throughout your Persado journey. SC may also be pulled in to act as a technical resource throughout the partnership with regards to integrations and other systems or help develop your roadmap to scale across new channels.

Statistical Significance

Measures the degree of certainty you can have that an observed difference between two test groups is NOT caused by random chance. At Persado, we typically use a 95% confidence threshold; i.e., if we re-run the Experiment 100 times, similar results are expected in at least 95 of them. Note: Reaching statistical significance is not required for Predictive Content.



The discrete parts of a message we are testing, such as the headline, sub-headline, CTA, etc. Our experimentation design recommends touchpoints in each message that represent the best opportunity to maximize its learns and enhance your language model. You can learn more about touchpoints we often test in Dynamic Motivation here, and Essential Motivation email touchpoints here.



A marketing message that Persado generates using its AI algorithm and proprietary marketing language database that is designed to outperform your control message.


Wheel of Emotions

Persado's emotional ontology and classification of language. We use the Wheel of Emotions to test which specific emotions resonate most with your audience and at what points in their journeys.

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