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5. Finalize and Approve Self-service Content

Take advantage of collaboration tools in Portal to review and approve your self-service Content.

Written by Amy Blakemore
Updated over 6 months ago

Once you’ve generated Variants you’re happy with, you’ll likely want to review and approve them with your internal team members prior to deployment. These reviews and approvals take place in Persado Portal for your convenience, so a clear history of all feedback is captured in a central location. Version control is automatic and all iterations are housed within the same URL.

Let’s walk through how to use this helpful functionality.

  1. When you have content saved, click ‘Next’ at the top of the saved content.

    1. Make sure you've saved your control message, too, if you're using the 'Improve' function and want to compare performance!

  2. In the pop-up window, under ‘Collaborate with your Team,’ click ‘Begin’ to initiate the approvals workflow.

    Note: If you don’t need to circulate Variants for approval, you can skip this and move on to deploying Variants in market.

  3. If you're not using the Teams feature, simply click 'Begin'. You’ll be able to engage individual reviewers manually on the next screen by tagging them in the comment box.

    If you are using the Teams feature, a widget will pop up prompting you to select which teams to notify for approval and include any details for their awareness. If you have teams configured in your Portal instance, this is a seamless way to get all the right reviewers involved. When you’re ready, click ‘Request Approvals.’ The individuals listed on the teams you selected will receive an email notification to review.

  4. There are a few different ways reviewers can provide feedback to Variants.

    1. If the Variants look good, they can approve on behalf of their team.

    2. Reviewers can provide comments to each part of the Variants by clicking the ‘Comment’ icon and entering feedback. Make sure to @ mention any teammates you’d like to be notified.

    3. If you’d like to include more Variants in the review cycle based on the feedback you receive, click ‘Content Candidates’ to return to your Variants and add in new options as desired. You can learn all about this feature here.

    4. If reviewers are looking for some inspiration, they can also hover over the desired text they'd like to change and click the pencil icon to use the AI Alternatives feature. A list of options appear alongside their predicted performance score. Then, if a reviewer sees something they like, they can click their desired alternative, and the Variant automatically updates and saves.

    5. Lastly, any Variants shown here can be manually edited if reviewers want to fine tune any specifics. Simply click into the Variant text and edit as needed!

  5. You will be able to see all approval and comment history by expanding the right-hand panel. This way you can easily respond to and resolve comments and confirm all teams have signed off.

    If for some reason you need to make a change once Variants have been approved, use the ‘Revoke Approval’ feature on the Variants page. This will undo the approval and make the Variants editable again, and a new round of approvals will be needed.

  6. That’s it! When all Variants have been approved by the necessary parties, you can move on to the Setup phase of your campaign. Learn more here.

A final note: If for some reason you need to share content outside of Portal, you can export Variants to CSV and circulate manually. Simply click the download icon above the Variants.

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