Portal allows you to easily view campaigns by the stage they’re in using the lefthand rail. You can also filter your work using the “Stages” dropdown menu if you’d like to create a custom saved view.
Here’s what each of these stages mean:
All Experiments: All campaigns, regardless of status.
Submitted: A campaign that has been submitted to the Persado team, who are now creating Variants.
Pending Approval: Variants have been created by the Persado team and are ready for your approval.
In Revision: Revision requests for Variants have been submitted to the Persado team and updates are in progress.
In Deployment: This column aggregates Variants in the 3 following stages of deployment for easier navigation:
Ready for Deployment: Variants have been approved by your team and are ready to be deployed (using Persado’s API, integrations, or manually).
Deployed: Variants have been deployed using Persado’s API. This stage will only appear if you are using an integration.
Request Results: There is a report request through Persado's API. This stage will only appear if you are using an integration.
Reports Available: Your campaign has finished deploying and results are available to view, including KPIs and best-performing Variant elements.
Cancelled: The campaign was never deployed and was mutually agreed to be cancelled. Keep in mind that you can always duplicate a cancelled campaign if you want to work on it in the future.
Drafts: A campaign request that has been started and saved, but not submitted to Persado for Variant creation.
Check out this article collection to learn more about navigating Portal and completing the key activities mentioned above.