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July 2024 Product Update: Removing Variants for Approval

You can now remove Variants from the approval cycle when others are already pending approval.

Written by Amy Blakemore
Updated over 6 months ago

Last month, we rolled out the ability for you to add new content into the approval cycle when other Variants are already “Pending Approval.” Now, you can also remove Variants at this stage! You might find this particularly helpful if you are going through approvals and your team agrees that a certain message is no longer needed, or if you swap in more strongly preferred Variants.

Removing Variants is very similar to adding more Variants for approval.

Removing Variants for Approval

  1. Navigate to campaigns that are “Pending Approval.”

  2. Select the campaign you’d like to update Variants for. You’ll be brought to the ‘Variants’ page.

  3. On the ‘Variants’ page, you’ll now be able to navigate back to your Variants by clicking ‘Content Candidates’ on the upper lefthand corner. Click here if you’d like to remove Variants from the approval cycle (or add new ones in).

    1. You can also find the ‘Content Candidates’ link by clicking the ‘Remove’ button under any Variant you’d like to remove.

  4. To remove a Variant, simply click ‘Remove’ on the Content Candidates page. Note that the Variants you have already saved for your approval cycle are outlined in light blue boxes. If you’d like to make any changes to these, these edits must happen in the ‘Variants’ page as usual during approvals.

  5. Your ‘Saved Content’ will reflect the new number of Variants for approval. To confirm and move forward with them, click ‘Update Variants.’

  6. Your content pending approval will now be updated to include any removed (or added) Variants! You can proceed with your usual review and approval process with your team.

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